How To Recycle Plastic Bags

Plastic bags being used for carrying goods.

Quick Summary:

  • Discover effective methods for recycling plastic bags within your business to enhance sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

  • Learn the steps to recycle plastic bags in the UK, including cleaning, separating, and utilising local recycling points.

  • Find out if plastic bags with paper labels can be recycled and how to improve your overall waste management strategy.

In the evolving landscape of waste management, businesses must adopt sustainable practices to minimise their environmental footprint. Plastic bags, ubiquitous in various industries, pose a significant challenge due to their non-biodegradable nature.

Households in the United Kingdom are estimated to throw away 66 items of plastic packaging per week on average. This means that 1.85 billion plastic packaging items are thrown away each week across all UK households, equating to almost 100 billion items a year.

Table of Contents:

What Are Good Ways to Recycle Plastic Bags?

Recycling plastic bags requires understanding the various methods available and ensuring they are implemented effectively within your business. Here are some best practices:

Dedicated Recycling Bins

Place designated bins for plastic bag recycling in common areas. Ensure these bins are marked and educate employees about their purpose.

Partner with Recycling Programs

Collaborate with local recycling programs that accept plastic bags. Many supermarkets and recycling centres offer take-back programs for plastic bags and other flexible plastics.

Encourage Reuse

Promote the reuse of plastic bags within your business. Encourage employees to use bags multiple times before recycling them.

Switch to Recyclable Alternatives

Where possible, replace traditional plastic bags with recyclable or compostable alternatives. This not only reduces waste but also simplifies the recycling process.

In-House Recycling Initiatives

Consider investing in an in-house recycling machine that can process plastic bags and other soft plastics. This is particularly useful for larger businesses with significant plastic waste.

How to Recycle Plastic Bags in the UK?

Used plastic bags with other recyclable materials.

Recycling plastic bags in the UK involves several steps, which businesses should follow to ensure proper disposal and recycling:

  • Clean and Dry – Ensure all plastic bags are clean and free from food residue or moisture. Contaminated bags can hinder the recycling process.
  • Separate from General Waste – Do not mix plastic bags with general waste or other recyclables. This prevents contamination and ensures that bags are recycled correctly.
  • Locate Recycling Points – Utilise local recycling points such as supermarkets and recycling centres that accept plastic bags. Many of these locations have specific bins for plastic bag recycling.

Bulk Collection Services – For businesses generating large quantities of plastic bags, arrange for bulk collection services with a waste management company. These services can streamline the recycling process and ensure efficient handling of large volumes of plastic waste.

Can You Recycle Plastic Bags with Paper Labels?

The short answer is yes! but here’s what you need to know:

  • Remove Paper Labels – Ideally, remove any paper labels from plastic bags before recycling. Paper contaminants can affect the quality of recycled plastic.
  • Recycle Separately if Possible – If removing labels is not feasible, try to separate bags with labels from those without and recycle them accordingly. This helps reduce contamination and improves recycling efficiency.
  • Check Local Guidelines – Different recycling programs may have varying guidelines. Always check with your local recycling program to ensure compliance with their specific requirements.


By following these guidelines, UK businesses can significantly reduce their plastic waste, contribute to environmental sustainability, and enhance their overall waste management strategies.

As a waste management company, we are committed to supporting businesses in their recycling efforts and providing solutions tailored to their needs. Let’s work together to make plastic bag recycling a standard practice in every business.

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